On 23–24 November 2021, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Coordination Office at the international "Preservation in Perspective" conference. Due to rising infection levels, the event was digital-only. Please note that due to German privacy laws we cannot publish a list of participants. 

What were the topics? 

Written cultural heritage in archives and libraries worldwide is at risk. Since its foundation in 2011, the KEK has supported institutions in preserving their unique originals by funding around 850 projects – from individual restoration of objects to mass deacidification. The political and public spheres increasingly recognise the importance of written originals for our history and future. Yet there is still much to be done. 

YouTube-Logo mit Hintergrund

What are the areas of development in the field of preservation? What synergies exist between the preservation of originals and their digitisation? What opportunities does cross-border coordination offer? What potentials lie in international cooperation? The conference offered an opportunity to discuss these and other topics.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021: 10am – 5.30pm
Wednesday, 24 November 2021: 9am – 5pm

KEK conference programme (2021)

On 23 November, 6.30pm, Richard Ovenden OBE (Bodleian Libraries) will give a lecture on "The Social Importance of the Preservation of Knowledge", drawing on his latest publication Burning the Books: A History of Knowledge Under Attack (John Murray, 2020). 

Download speakers' bios and abstracts at the link: 

You can now register via the online tool einladbar. Attendance is free of charge. 

Please book separately if you are planning to attend the conference on both days. You can opt in/out of the evening lecture and the workshop during the registration process for day #1 and #2.

Please select the event "evening lecture only" if you aren't planning to attend the daytime events. This is only necessary if you haven't already registered for the first day of the conference.

Please note: Registration must be confirmed within 24 hours by clicking on the link in the email sent by KEK via noreply(at)einladbar.de. Please check your spam folder if necessary.

The James Simon Gallery is the new central entrance building and visitor centre for the Museum Island. It is named after James Simon (1851–1932), one of the most important patrons of the Berlin State Museums.

Address: Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin

  • Admission only for vaccinated and recovered persons.
  • It is compulsory to wear a medical face mask (surgical/FFP2). It can be removed when seated. Seats (72 in total) are positioned at a distance of at least 1.5m.
  • Exception: At the evening lecture on 23 November, face masks are compulsory even while seated, as the maximum number of attendees will be increased to 95.
  • KEK conference hygiene concept (2021)

Get in touch with Björn Schmidt for more information about the conference: 

  • email: Bjoern.Schmidt(at)sbb.spk-berlin.de
  • phone: +49 (0) 30 266 43 1451