Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage
Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine
Ecole du Louvre
Cour Carrée, 2S Pl. du Carrousel Porte Jaujard
75001 Paris
Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine
Ecole du Louvre
Cour Carrée, 2S Pl. du Carrousel Porte Jaujard
75001 Paris
This symposium focuses on heritage science, an interdisciplinary field that contributes to the identification, understanding, conservation and transmission of cultural heritage, whether tangible, intangible, natural or digital. Today, this field brings together the humanities and the social, experimental, digital, and engineering sciences.
During two days, the symposium will highlight heritage science, in all its diversity, in France and in Europe, consider its central role in responding to the major contemporary challenges - whether social, cultural, economic, political or environmental - as well as its articulation with various initiatives carried out by the European institutions.
The event will be structured around four themes:
The physical event is full. It is still possible to participate remotely.
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